Illustrated. Brazilian/Italian. Prominent Features.

Denise Moretti

Denise Moretti is a new comer on the scene. As soon as I saw her photos I was captured by her prominent, striking features...amazing eyebrows...big lips...high cheekbones. You're immediately captivated by her beauty...

Denise's passion for all things vintage is very obvious through her fashion and on her Facebook page, the constant updates on this vintage world. She lives and breathes this style.

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Denise Moretti

Dress: 8/10

Hair color: Black

Hair length: medium

Eye color: Brown

Ethnicity: Brazilian/Italian

Weight: 50 kilos
Height: 161cm

Bust: 34”

Waist: 65 cm

Hips: 33”

Cup: c

How did you get started modeling?

I started modeling quite recently, the majority of my work is for burlesque and pin up photographers/magazines. I actually have to thank Peter Kelly and Mike Boyd - they actually gave me a chance to start working as model.

Denise Moretti

What excites you about modeling?


The whole process is pretty cool ( it's not as easy as it looks that is for sure!)...From styling, hair and make-up.

I just adore watching how much make-up a face can take, also make up is part of my lifestyle - I'm a make up artist.

I'm a firm believer that what  is sexy for me is not sexy for everybody else, for example: it's not really my style to be a beach blonde babe inclusive of the bleach blonde hair. I've got nothing against's just not my style.

I never felt I could fit into this kind of beauty icon, because I'm not that!

My idols are ups...vintage women and beauty. That's why I think women from the whole world are in love again with the past decades like  the 30s,40s, 50s and 60s, because it gives you the permission to wear heels, make up and it allows them to see that if you are not the 'standard' beauty, you can still be glam.

But in the end, self-confidence is everything. If you feel amazing than you are in the right track.

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Denise Moretti

Do you come from a background of training in the arts?

Yes, I started painting when I was little and always played hard with my mums makeup, I'm trained in special effects, styling, beauty and fashion makeup, airbrush ...basically everything in make up. I've had an amazing international experiences in adverting campaigns, films, TV, LFW, Paris Fashion Week and to be honest, that's what I mean to do, first of all I'm a make-up artist, modelling is totally for fun.

Denise Moretti

What are your favorite types of outfits to model in?

I love things that exaggerate the feminine form - lacy, latex, stockings and I have a genuine interest for corsets, for me they are the sexiest thing ever. Also I love the discipline that you must have to put your body into as it's not an easy thing to wear.

Denise Moretti

What are your least favorites?

I certainly wouldn't be modeling in tracksuits pants, although I admit I secretly have my moments at home...haha.

Denise Moretti

What is it about Tattoos that intrigues you?

I don't like the pain. Personally I love the idea of having something with me for THE REST OF MY LIFE, I think it's pretty funny when some people ask me if I'm ok with this idea when the whole context is totally around that and heavily tattooed people are pretty hot!

Denise Moretti

What kind of music do you like?

I was introduced to the Ramones when I was 14. I love punk rock, rockabilly and some others derivations.

Denise Moretti

What do you like to do for fun?

I have a special place im my little heart for classic cars.

But I think is generally all about having fun with fashion, make-up, sense of adventure and living in more frivolous way. I'm not a party animal (anymore) totally focused on my career. In the end you just need to do what you makes you happy and you have to do it, otherwise you will regret parts of life. 

Images by Mike Davis.

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Denise Moretti

Denise Moretti

Denise Moretti

Denise Moretti

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