Enoch Bolles
Pin up artist of the Art Deco era
Enoch Bolles is a well-known pin up artist during the Art Deco era. His works were given maximum exposure during that time.
Enoch Bolles' pin up girls are fun and sexy. Often times, his pin up girls delivers provocative poses but there are some occasions where they are caught in embarrassed or self-conscious moods.
Bolles' art is very playful but it has this racy flapper girl influence. There is only little knowledge about the life of Enoch Bolles. In fact, it is still not confirmed if he was born in Chicago and if he worked in New York City. This mystery has inflicted a lot of rumors like: he was rumored to have emotional problems near the end of his life and because of this, it led him to over paint some of his Film Fun covers. His works have horrific expressions.
He started his career in 1915 when Dell Publishing Company hired him to paint covers for their pulp magazines. Luckily, he has a ready-made audience. His name became well known when the Film Fun magazine came out. Film Fun magazine carried his pin up works and cover artworks for many years. He also worked for other pulps like Cupid's Capers and Coy book. He designed inaugaral covers.
What made his works unique than the works of other artists during that time was his use of the primary colors. During that era, art deco artists often stick to subdued tonal schemes.
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