by Kat Flesfader
(Launceston, Tas, Australia)
Photo by Lucas Photographics
My name is Missie L'Amour and I have always been seduced by the glamour, music
and lifestyle of an era when a milkshake cost 20 cents, curves were adored and
songs were sung from the heart.
I love: Shiny, Vintage, Pretty things, my kitten, my man and my hot rollers.
In my spare time you’ll find me baking, sewing, and re-arranging my wall-birds.
I can't catch a ball, change a tire, or reach the top shelf (that's what boys
are for) but I sure can sing, bake a cake (with my 50's Mixmaster) and fill out a bra.
I live the 50's pinup-housewife dream each and every day, and I'm very proud
and peachy keen to be a Va Va Voomalicious Vixen!
Mwah! ♥