Pin Up Heels
A Must for all True Glamour Beauty Queens

Article by Haili Hughes
Pin Up heels are the icing on the cake...
There’s something about the sight of a girl in no make-up, chipped nail polish and tracksuit bottoms that makes me physically recoil….
It’s everything to me.
I will not even go to the local Co-op without a slick of bright red lipstick (matching my nails of course) and fabulous pin up heels and a handbag.
The thing about the screen sirens of old was that they knew how to work it.
They never seemed to have an off day, managing to be perfect housewives and mothers and looking darn stunning to boot.
But living the life of a pin-up in a modern day world is not the easiest thing to do.

Like most modern women, I have the stress of holding down a career, running a home and somewhere in the whirlwind of my day, managing to make sure I look pin up perfect.
I know I am not alone.
This is something that we all struggle with and each week I will be blogging about the life of a modern day pin up and the trials and the tribulations that come with it. Let’s begin with the dreaded, but gorgeously sexy heeled shoe….

For starters there is the standing all day in stiletto pin up heels. By night I may be a rockabilly model but by day I teach English and trust me, after 8 hours extolling the virtues of Shakespeare and teaching complex sentences, even Dita herself would need a stiff Gin.
Then there is the public transport. After years of living in London, crammed up against sweaty armpits on the Tube, my commute nowadays is somewhat less stressful. However, I am certain that the sight of me tottering about on 3 inch platform heels, three year old under the arm, hanging on for dear life while the bus driver speeds around a roundabout, has made many a person’s day.

Remember pin ups don’t panic. Even in extremely embarrassing situations…on one such occasion I managed to somehow get my amazing, velvet covered heel stuck down a grid. Thankfully nobody was around to see my faux pas, so I just heaved it out, had a good look around and sauntered on.
But for the vintage vixen and our ilk, shoes are everything.
I have very rarely known such happiness as un-wrapping a pair of gorgeous pin up heels from their tissue paper and admiring their design.
I am proud (and possibly a little ashamed) to admit that I own over 100 pairs of shoes and can often be found poring through shoe websites looking for a bargain. 
I never differentiate between work shoes and weekend shoes; for me there is no downtime, so every day is a dress-up day!
So what do we do when the everyday mundane threatens to ruin the glamour status quo?

The solution is simple.
Make sure you carry some flats in your bag for those foot sore moments. Flats are good….think Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, even she couldn’t whizz around Italy in bone-crushing footwear.
Iron Fist do some gorgeous flats, including very 50s style ones with peep toes, at a really reasonable price. So even flats can look fabulous!
To conclude, my flats will never overtake my heels as they always make my legs look so fabulous and my posture look so much better. But for those toe-crunching moments, it’s okay to pack those flats.
As another modern day pin up, supermodel Helena Christenson, said:
“I was born in high heels and I’ve worn them ever since.” I wholeheartedly agree...
Haili Hughes is a modern day pin up and glamour queen.
You will rarely ever find her not looking her best.
Connect with Haili on Facebook if you have any questions or comments...she's a top chick! :)
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