The Pin Up Look Beauty
Products Selection

By Etta Envy

pin up look beauty products
Recently I have had a few lovely ladies taking the time to e-mail me and asking what beauty products I use to complete the pin-up doll look.

Before I go any further I feel it’s necessary to address the fact I am NOT a makeup artist and have no professional training with cosmetics. This is just my opinion on what I find best to use on my skin and the products/advice I have been given by professional makeup artists.

The pin-up makeup is all about red lips, cat eyeliner, blushed cheeks, perfect eyebrows and of course flawless skin and through this article I hope I can help you to achieve that look.


The best foundation I have used so far to accomplish this has been Estee Lauders full coverage foundation, which is around 30-50 dollars depending on where you live.

I find this foundation to be the best due to its easy application, flawless matte finish and light feel, it lasts for around eight hours and you only need the tiniest drop to cover your entire face.

It covers all freckles, blemishes and birthmarks (I have one next to my left eye) therefore, leaving your skin looking flawless and giving you the perfect pin-up skin. When applying this I would also suggest using your fingers and then get a foundation brush to blend it into your skin.

I would highly recommend this foundation to anyone looking for a flawless and matte finished look.

However, this product is not realistic for everyone due to its price so other foundations I find to work a treat are from: Nyx, The Body Shop and Revlon’s color stay foundation.

Lipstick Lovin'

pin up look beauty productsAnother essential symbol to the pin-up look is of course, the red lips, and once again I find Estee Lauder lipsticks to be the best for this, as their lipsticks are long lasting and you rarely need to reapply (The price range for these lipsticks is around 40-50 dollars once again depending on where you live.)

My personal favorite from the brand is Red Tango, which is a darker sexy red and easier to wear on a day to day basis. Other brands that I find to have fantastic red lipstick are: Mac, Max Factor, Two-faced and Revlon.

Before you apply your lipstick I would also recommend using lip liner to stop your lips from bleeding and keeping it in place, The Body Shop also sells wax pens which I use religiously.

Pin-ups often liked to make their lips look bigger so when applying your liner go slightly over the outside of your lips and put a dab of lip gloss on the middle of your bottom lip to add shine and give you a bigger pout.

Another tip I have also learnt is if you ever run out of blush just rub a little bit of red lipstick on your cheeks and blend it into your skin, it’s a trick I always use myself.

Meow Kitty - The Cat Eye

pin up look beauty productsLastly the cat eyes, which is a look that takes a lot of patience and practice to accomplish, (it took me over a year to get it right). Before applying this I would also recommend a neutral eye shadow such as white or something with a little gold through it Urban Decay has fantastic palettes for this as do Mac ranging from 30 – 50 dollars (depending on where you live).

Avoid anything overly sparkly or over powering such as: purple, blue and green as you want the attention to be on your winged eyeliner. The product I find best for winged eyes is gel eyeliner, I personally use Mac – gel in Black track, other alternatives are Maybelline’s gel eye liner which I find to work brilliantly and also comes with a brush to apply it.

However the best brush I have used for this is Macs – 209 eyeliner brush. A tip to applying your flick is to follow the natural line of your eye and the highest point of your eyebrow until you are happy with the length.

This look takes a lot of practice so when you are at home alone and not doing anything give it a shot, as practice makes perfect ladies! I also find the Max Factor mascaras to work the best for this look.

I hope this article has helped you and given you the advice you need for you pin-up cosmetics.

Lots of love

Etta Envy

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