Camera Shy? Miss Sherbet's Tips on Perfect Pin Up Posing!
95% of clients who we treat to our beloved shoots enter our photography studio with remarkable timidity on their first visit. Thoughts racing through their minds:
"I have no idea how to pose! What am I doing?! How am I going to look any good?! I'm not at all photogenic! Pin-up poses?! Eek, I have no idea how to do this!!!"
We gals at Sherbet Birdie are able to settle their nerves so very quickly by reassuring them that all they need to do is enjoy the experience, relax and let our photographers do all the work.
The most important point about posing in your first pin-up photo shoot is to follow the directions of the photographer.
A good photographer should be able to make you at ease with the experience of being photographed whilst giving thorough and clear directions so that you can have an amazing photographic experience and we can snap the most flattering and foxy photographs of you. This is the mantra of the photographers at Sherbet Birdie which enables us to create fabulous photographs where you are relaxed and your expressions are full of genuine joy!
Below are a select few of our pin-up posing directions that you can practise at home and that we use in our shoots each and every time to achieve amazing photographs that make you say "I never knew I could look that way!"
First direction is to always stand on a 45˚ angle to your photographer to maximise those beautiful feminine curves. Whether you're a lithe lovely, an hourglass honey or a delicious pear or apple shape this direction will create the most beautiful beginnings of your perfect pose.
Our second direction is to visualise lengthening your spine and pushing your shoulders back and down. This action will push your princesses forward and lift them to the heavens. It will also bring a strength into your photograph that is essential in making a flattering photograph.
The last direction that we are sharing today is what we affectionately refer to as the booty-tooch.
To create a nice round derriére and to encourage a smaller waist line the booty-tooch is essential. When practising this little tip be sure to already be holding the above two pose directions, then drop your weight into one of your hips and push your booty backwards. Bam! Hello delicious booty!
There you have it ladies, a few beginners directions for pin up posing to get you warmed up before your shoot. Remember however, the most important tip is to follow the directions given to you by the photographer. She's the one with the knowledge, experience and expertise. Trust her, she knows how to make you look your sizzling best!
Birdie bye!
Miss Sherbet
Miss Sherbet runs Sherbet Birdie - Australia's Leading Vintage Pin-Up Photography Studio. If you enjoyed this article from her, make sure you connect with her:
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